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Selectmen's Minutes 2-10-09
Selectmen’s Meeting ~
February 10, 2009

Present: ~Donald Howard, Stephen Amico, James Egan and James Armstrong. ~Christopher Colcough absent.  Also present Meredith Marini, Executive Assistant.  Town Administrator Michael Finglas absent. ~~

7:45 p.m.~~~~~~~Chairman Egan called the meeting to order, lead the Pledge Allegiance and read the announcements and upcoming meeting schedule.

Item I          Town Administrator’s ReportMrs. Marini reported on Mr. Finglas’ behalf.  Whitman Hanson Regional School District is creating a Strategic Planning Committee which will be conducting three meetings.  Superintendent McEwan has invited a board member to participate.  Mr. Amico offered to participate.

Hanson Little League – Hanson Little League has requested permission to hold the annual opening day parade on Saturday, April 18, 2009 at noon starting at the Town Hall and proceeding to Boteria Field.  They have scheduled a rain date of April 19th.

MOTION by Armstrong, second by Amico to grant the request of Hanson Little League to hold the opening day parade on April 18, 2009.  Voted 4 – 0.

Marijuana By-law – Chief Savage was present to discuss a new by-law which would prohibit the use of marijuana on town property.  The Chief reported, due to the fact that the law is so broad, the Attorney General has crafted language for law enforcement to offer to communities.  The Chief has been working with the Town Clerk to create the by-law.  The Chief encouraged the Board to support the by-law.  As an example, the Chief pointed out that while alcohol is legal, it is prohibited from being consumed on Town property.  

MOTION by Amico, second by Armstrong to support the by-law.  Voted 3 – 1 (Egan)

Item II Class II License Renewal3W Corp. d/b/a Standish Motors 41 King Street.

MOTION by Armstrong, second by Amico to approve the renewal of the Class II license to 3-W Corp.  Voted 4 – 0.

Mr. Armstrong inquired about the status of the budget.  Mrs. Marini informed the Board that Mr. Finglas met with the department heads and will continue to meet with them on a weekly basis in order to reduce the current year’s budget and then work to reducing the FY2010 budget.  Mr. Armstrong had some specific questions which Mr. Egan recommended that he submit to Mr. Finglas for a response.

Item III        Green of Small TownsMr. Armstrong presented a Power Point presentation regarding energy savings.  He informed the Board that he uses Hanson as an example while making presentations to other groups and associations.  Mr. Armstrong highlights the efforts Hanson has made to reduce energy consumption and costs.

Item IV One Day Liquor License  - Friend of Camp Kiwanee – March 6 – 8 and March 13 – 15 for a theatre production.

MOTION by Howard, second by Armstrong to approve the one day liquor license as requested.  Voted 4 – 0.

Item V          Minutes – January 20, 2009

MOTION by Amico, second by Howard to approve the minutes of January 20th as printed.  Voted 4 – 0.

Item VI Committee ReportsMMA Meeting – Mr. Armstrong reported he attended the Executive Board meeting.  They discussed cities and towns tracking the energy consumption and water departments trying to reduce water consumption.
School Budget Meeting – Mr. Amico reported that he attended the school budget meeting.  The school committee presented three separate budgets, a level service, a level funded and a cut budget.  The school committee is speaking with the unions about waiving increases to avoid layoffs.  They discussed cutting bussing to reduce costs.  The Superintendent started signing off on all purchased over $100.00 and has saved $300,000.00.  

MOTION by Armstrong, second by Howard to adjourn.  Voted 4 – 0.

                                8:25 p.m. Meeting Adjourned.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Meredith Marini,
                                                Executive Assistant
Approved and Voted 5 - 0
                                                March 10, 2009